What gives a mother more joy than holding a newborn baby in their hands? It is a feeling that can numb the worst pain and bring tears to her eyes. However, childbirth is a long and painful process that requires a proper preparation. You cannot show up for a marathon race without having worked out for a few weeks at least!

Similarly, pregnant women need exercises to help with natural childbirth. Prenatal exercises not only help position your baby but also open your pelvis in a manner that supports optimal labor. Getting your body in shape is also vital in improving your blood flow, which in turn eases delivery.

Simple exercises can also help you feel healthier when carry around a baby can be exhausting. Make sure to speak to a doctor beforehand if you’re going to experiment with a new pregnancy routine.

For some safe options that will help prepare your body for optimal labor – here’s 4 exercises to help you in the delivery room.

#1 – Walking

Walking is both a safe and easy way to sneak more activity into your day. Though it may seem like a simple exercise, for pregnant women it’s not as easy.

Walking has a whole range of benefits, including helping maintain a healthy weight, reducing stress and increase happiness. It can also be the difference between a smooth delivery and hours at the maternity ward as the doctor tries to place the baby in position.

It’s best to walk outside to get fresh air and sunlight where possible. Try to avoid the treadmill where you can. Natural surroundings can be beneficial in helping to balance hormones whilst you walk.

This exercise is an excellent way to keep your body in shape and also helps in positioning your baby in place making delivery a little easier.

If you want to challenge yourself a little more, carry around 10 pounds of extra weight to make walking a little more difficult!

​Try to walk for at least 30 minutes every day near nature or at a local park and see how you feel.

#2 – Proper Sitting Postures

When pregnant, a woman will usually find some satisfaction in reclining in a smooth couch, bed or glider because it feels comfortable. Unfortunately – this can do more harm than good.

The best way to sit when pregnant is upright with your pelvis tilting slightly forward. For this exercise, an exercise ball would come in handy.

If you’re going to try an exercise ball – make sure that it is firm and high enough to ensure your knees are always higher than your hips. As a simple change – you could change your favorite chair at home to an exercise ball and use it as often as possible.

You could also try this at your office and sit on it as opposed to your usual office chair. This exercise is the perfect way to strengthen your core, and it also helps in stabilizing your pelvis.

Another posture that works wonders is sitting cross-legged. This position is vital especially around the third semester as it pushes your uterus forward while stretching your legs and opening your pelvis more.

What’s better? No one will even know you are exercising!

#3 – Butterflies

Butterflies are another simple exercise to help keep your lower back limber. You can also do it from the moment you discover you are pregnant until you deliver.

For this exercise, sit on the floor with a straight back. After that, put the soles of your feet together and pull them a little closer then pulse your legs up and down. Keep pulsing until you feel a stretch then relax.

You can do this exercise as many times as you want but be sure to do it at least once every day, especially before labor.

​Try asking your partner to help add resistance so you can have a deeper stretch. Butterflies are a great exercise to open up your pelvis as well.

If you’re looking to maintain your flexibility through pregnancy – you may also want to consider some yoga especially for people who are pregnant!

#4 – Leaning

If you’ve got lots of morning sickness, this next exercise might not be as fun! Despite this, it’s a great way to prepare your lower body for natural labor.

Lean on tables, seats and even people if you can! This also works great if you have an exercise ball available. Simply drape your arms and upper body around it and move your pelvis in midair while you roll around.

Did you know that women around the 18th and early 19th century had to scrub the floor on their knees and hands? Of course, they did not do it all the time when pregnant, but it was considered the best way to flip a posterior baby.

​Gravity helps get the baby to get in optimal position by pulling its back forward. ​


There are other exercises that you can try out such as pelvic tilts, forward-leaning inversion, and squatting.

However, seeing that these exercises are more complex, consult your doctor before trying any of them. It is not only the baby’s health that is at stake if you do not exercise properly during your pregnancy period but yours as well.

Try the exercises mentioned above every day to keep your body in shape during pregnancy and for optimal labor. ​If you’re hoping to keep you and your developing baby healthy – you’ll also want to check out these 10 top tips from a clinical nutritionist.

​​So what’s your favorite exercise to do when pregnant?

Are you or anyone you know going to have a baby in the future?

Then why not share this article with them and help them out? 🙂